By rahwana Selasa, 31 Mei 2016 Something You Don't See Everyday And now for something completely different. According to the NY Times , the details of Obamacare were revealed to the IRS in a "by spec...
By rahwana 11.22 Breaking UHC News From UHC via email: " Next year UnitedHealthcare will offer individual plans through the Exchange in a limited number of states. This ...
By rahwana 08.32 Stupid Vendor Tricks I've always believed that the best way to do business is to look for ways to do business; that is, throw up as few roadblocks as possib...
By rahwana Jumat, 27 Mei 2016 InHealth Collapse: Immediate Aftermath So I reached out (via email) to my InHealth clients today: " Yesterday afternoon, the Ohio Department of Insurance placed InHealth into...
By rahwana Kamis, 26 Mei 2016 BREAKING: InHealth Mutual Now Under DOI Control [UPDATED] [From email just now] " COLUMBUS - Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor was appointed receiver for Coordinated Health Mutual, Inc. today following the ...
By rahwana 11.40 ACA-related Spelling Problems [UPDATED!] Folks keep misspelling " 3,000% rate decrease ." For instance: " Most health insurers in Pennsylvania are pressing for double...
By rahwana Rabu, 25 Mei 2016 Of Belly Dances and Obamacare Quick update on how our tax dollars are being spent to promote and enroll people in Obamacare. A recent audit of the Nevada state Obamacare ...
By rahwana 13.12 O'Care Hall of Shame (Part 367) So, the McKinsey Center for U.S. Health System Reform has released the findings from its most recent survey of the last Open Enrollment ( it...
By rahwana Selasa, 24 Mei 2016 Subsidies vs Rate Hikes ObamaTax architect Herr Jonathon Gruber famously quipped that " the stupidity of the American voter ... was really, really critical for...
By rahwana 05.30 "Winning," O'Care Style Gosh, what a complete surprise: " Obamacare Poll: Most Enrollees Hate Their Plans " According to the (not exactly right-leaning) K...
By rahwana Senin, 23 Mei 2016 Death (Panel) Comes a'Calling We first wrote about the IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board) almost exactly 6 years ago: " A stealth, 15 member panel appointed b...
By rahwana 07.30 A Cancer Story Full disclosure: I have yet to sell a cancer policy myself, but I've been told by more than a few colleagues that I'm remiss in this...
By rahwana Jumat, 20 Mei 2016 The Doctor Won't See You Now No doubt you have heard about the long lines in the airport due to TSA understaffing and poor morale. But have you tried to find a doctor wi...
By rahwana Kamis, 19 Mei 2016 Cause & Effect, ACA-style This morning, Bob posted on Highmark's lawsuit seeking to compel the Feds to actually cough up the money as promised. On the one hand, ...
By rahwana 05.30 Mad as Hell Readers may recall the 1976 film "Network" where Howard Beale (Peter Finch) encouraged viewers to get off their butts, go to the w...
By rahwana 05.00 Health Wonk Review: Potpourri edition online Tinker Ready (isn't that a GREAT name‽) hosts an eclectic collection of health care bloggetry , covering the gamut from insurance to LGB...
By rahwana Rabu, 18 Mei 2016 MidWeek LinkFest Item 1 : What if they gave an insurance market, and no one came? FoIB Holly R tips us that: " 3 states are down to one Obamacare insur...
By rahwana Selasa, 17 Mei 2016 Trouble in Rx City FoIB Jeff M tipped us to this interesting (baffling?) development: " It turns out her insurance company may be overcharging her for the...
By rahwana 04.34 Most Americans Want Medicaid When Obamacare was still on the drawing (and quartering) table two options were tossed out for consideration. Public option. Single payer. C...
By rahwana Senin, 16 Mei 2016 Breaking: TransAmerica UL Lawsuit This will be very interesting to follow: " Universal life insurance policyholders behind a multimillion-dollar class action are asking ...
By rahwana 11.03 La Plus Ca Change: Fraud Edition One of our very first posts highlighted some creative attempts at defrauding insurance carriers. That was over 11 years ago, and we're ...
By rahwana Jumat, 13 Mei 2016 Compliance for Compliance Attention employers who offer group insurance: the phone police might be calling. CMS released an initiative this week where they may be ...
By rahwana 06.48 Strokes - Can They Be Prevented? Over the past few years I have become more acquainted with what happens when someone has a stroke. Some of my friends, people I grew up with...
By rahwana Kamis, 12 Mei 2016 Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery? Does Medicare pay for cataract surgery ? Are there restrictions on what they cover? How much will I owe? Is my coverage different with...
By rahwana Rabu, 11 Mei 2016 Midweek Linkathon ■ First up, in email from Aetna : " Ohio eligibility changes take effect on September 1, 2016. Moving from eligibility definition to to...
By rahwana Selasa, 10 Mei 2016 Ft Mac & Insurance Losses First, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and firefighters dealing with the horrendous fires in Alberta. One can only imagine th...
By rahwana 08.00 Blabbin' the HWR David Harlow hosts this week's on-air analysis of the most recent Health Wonk Review . Tune in at 1:00PM (Eastern) for the livestream , ...
By rahwana 06.06 Self-awareness & PPACA It's no surprise that the so-called "Marketplace" is a disaster. Whether it's missing enrollment goals or drastically unde...
By rahwana Senin, 09 Mei 2016 More Tar Heel State Blues [UPDATED] It's apparently not enough that North Carolina's Blue Cross franchise has been taking major poundings ; it now appears that the reve...
By rahwana 06.36 DIAM '16: Week 2 Factoids As Disability Insurance Awareness Month continues to roll out, the Council for Disability Awareness points out that: Less than 20 pe...