Working on an interesting (well, to me , anyway) life case: Gentleman is 57 years young, and recently retired(!). When he chose his pension ...
Home » Archive for 2016
By rahwana
Industry Kudos
This year's crop of National Underwriter Industry Elite Award winners has just been announced. As a past winner myself, I was pleased t...
By rahwana
Rabu, 06 Juli 2016
MidWeek Potpourri
■ For the most part, "Limited Benefit" (aka MiniMed) plans have been verboten by the ObamaTax. Which is a shame, since they coul...

By rahwana
Selasa, 05 Juli 2016
Bites the dust
Connecticut joins the parade of failed Obamacare exchanges. Unexpectedly. The reason? "The move stems from an order, made Thursday, [Ju...

By rahwana
Still another 3000% Rate Decrease
This never gets old: As we've previously mentioned , Grandmothered plans often renew mid-year (that is, not on January 1), and very few ...
By rahwana
#ObamaCareFail Unlucky Number 13
It's no surprise that ObamaPlan enrollment numbers continue to decline , but the sheer magnitude of that drop off is surely something t...

By rahwana
Jumat, 01 Juli 2016
Friday LinkFest - UPDATED
[Scroll down for update] ■ First up, the folks at Employee Benefit News ask a rather interesting question: " Should HSAs and 401(k)s ...

By rahwana
Rabu, 29 Juni 2016
From the P&C Files: Halt (Production)!
This is interesting: A few days after the Orlando nightclub terror attack, the TV show "The Last Ship" postponed its season premie...

By rahwana
Senin, 27 Juni 2016
IB In The News
Well this is nice: The folks at PR Newswire have published a list of insurance-related sites that " do a good job with promoting and co...
By rahwana
Settling for Life
We've written before about viaticals , which are generally used by folks with end-of-life financial needs. But there's another, rela...

By rahwana
Waivin' in the wind
We've written before about group plans suspending spousal coverage, or applying a penalty to employees whose spouses have access to cov...

By rahwana
Rabu, 22 Juni 2016
Potential Good Small Employer News
Yesterday, I met with a couple who own their own small business, and had recently hired their first employee. They wanted to offer health in...
By rahwana
Interesting LTCi Idea
So, have a client interested in Long Term Care insurance (LTCi), with some provisos. First, they are very concerned about potential rate in...
By rahwana
Selasa, 21 Juni 2016
Hotdoggin' it with Oscar
Almost three years ago, Bob wrote about the travails of a New York-based health insurance start-up called Oscar. The fledgling carrier's...
By rahwana
Senin, 20 Juni 2016
Monday Morning Linkage
■ We first noted the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) back in May, noting how it so closely resembled the famed Independe...

By rahwana
Jumat, 17 Juni 2016
Friday Afternoon Hat Trick
The Political Hat No, not three posts, but one very interesting - and provocative - post from a blog friend: " Rationing Healthcare, Mi...

By rahwana
Kamis, 16 Juni 2016
Absolutely Amazing Customer Service Experience
Over the years, we've been pleased to blog on some really exceptional customer service experiences ( here and here , for example). And ...

By rahwana
Pot Luck Health Wonk Review
This week, Chris Fleming hosts the venerable HWR, and it's a doozy. Lots of thought-provoking posts, along with really helful context. ...

By rahwana
Rabu, 15 Juni 2016
Another 3000% Rate Decrease Report
Remember this? I recently received renewals for some Grandmothered major medcial plans with August effective dates. Let's see how they ...

By rahwana
Selasa, 14 Juni 2016
Conflicting Fees
As previously noted, many carriers have decided to stop paying commissions on new health insurance business written between Open Enrollment...

By rahwana
Senin, 13 Juni 2016
Outstanding Compassionate Carrier Trick
Just now via email: " UnitedHealthcare and Optum, the health benefits and services companies of UnitedHealth Group, are taking immediat...
By rahwana
Top O'The Week Linkfest
■ LifeHealthPro's AllisonBell has some disheartening news about critical illness plans: " Officials are ... thinking about the pos...

By rahwana
Jumat, 10 Juni 2016
Another Friday InHealth Update
Not much has changed since last week, as the DOI is still noodling through how to proceed. One issue which had flown under the radar has to ...
By rahwana
Kamis, 09 Juni 2016
Tightening the Screws
As The ObamaTax continues to auger in , the Rocket Surgeons in DC© have the perfect solution: Less choice! " The government's move ...
By rahwana
Selasa, 07 Juni 2016
Another Day, Another InHealth Update
Via co-blogger Patrick , some interesting news on the InHealth front, clarifying some things we already knew: " Today, the Ohio Departm...
By rahwana
SEP Clarification
The folks at CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) emailed to let us know that they have an updated list of the 6 Special Enro...
By rahwana
Senin, 06 Juni 2016
From the Mailbag: Interesting HSA scenario
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are generally pretty transparent; after all, there aren't a lot of moving parts: a compliant health insur...

By rahwana
MedMutual Update
L ast week, Medical Mutual of Ohio announced that it would pay no commissions on plans written for folks coming to them from InHealth. Th...
By rahwana
Jumat, 03 Juni 2016
InHealth Mutual - A Week Later [UPDATED]
So it's been a week , and I sent this out to my InHealth clients; it occurred to me that IB readers might find it interesting , as well...
By rahwana
Kamis, 02 Juni 2016
Late-week LinkFest
■ First up, via FoIB Jeff M, this little factoid: " North Carolina Leads The Nation In Health Insurance Mandates " Most folks lik...

By rahwana
Frustrating Carrier/DOI Trick
As regular readers know, Ohio's O'Care Co-Op, InHealth Mutual, bit the dust last week. This morning, Medical Mutual of Ohio let us...

By rahwana
Health Wonk Review: Springin' out edition
David Harlow hosts this week's roundup of interesting and provocative health policy related posts . From Ibsen to telemedicine to the ...
By rahwana
Rabu, 01 Juni 2016
Rocket Robin Hood
As in "rocket surgeon" Robin Hood: " The risk adjustment program was designed to dissuade insurers from targeting only health...

By rahwana
Selasa, 31 Mei 2016
Something You Don't See Everyday
And now for something completely different. According to the NY Times , the details of Obamacare were revealed to the IRS in a "by spec...

By rahwana
Breaking UHC News
From UHC via email: " Next year UnitedHealthcare will offer individual plans through the Exchange in a limited number of states. This ...
By rahwana
Stupid Vendor Tricks
I've always believed that the best way to do business is to look for ways to do business; that is, throw up as few roadblocks as possib...
By rahwana
Jumat, 27 Mei 2016
InHealth Collapse: Immediate Aftermath
So I reached out (via email) to my InHealth clients today: " Yesterday afternoon, the Ohio Department of Insurance placed InHealth into...
![BREAKING: InHealth Mutual Now Under DOI Control [UPDATED] BREAKING: InHealth Mutual Now Under DOI Control [UPDATED]](
By rahwana
Kamis, 26 Mei 2016
BREAKING: InHealth Mutual Now Under DOI Control [UPDATED]
[From email just now] " COLUMBUS - Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor was appointed receiver for Coordinated Health Mutual, Inc. today following the ...
By rahwana
ACA-related Spelling Problems [UPDATED!]
Folks keep misspelling " 3,000% rate decrease ." For instance: " Most health insurers in Pennsylvania are pressing for double...

By rahwana
Rabu, 25 Mei 2016
Of Belly Dances and Obamacare
Quick update on how our tax dollars are being spent to promote and enroll people in Obamacare. A recent audit of the Nevada state Obamacare ...
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